Are your employees having to cover for absent colleagues? Are stress levels rising? Is your key talent having difficulty balancing personal and work priorities?
There are many reasons for employees to be absent from work but one of the most common is stress. If your staff are having trouble juggling their personal livers with their work lives they are likely to be under stress. If they are feeling pressured by “always-on” technology following them around then the stress is likely to increase.
Research on stress shows that people feel unable to cope if they lose control. Some people happily work long hours because they choose to do so and don’t feel stressed as a result. Others feel they are out of control because they are expected to work at times that are imposed on them. The more people can choose when and where they work the less likely it is that they will suffer from stress.
One of the key Principles in WiseWork is that Work can be done anywhere, at any time (unless proven otherwise). This gives the individual control over their working pattern and allows them to choose the most convenient combination of time and place. They still need to meet their business goals but are measured on their output and not the number of hours they work.
Often absenteeism is a result of personal pressures, perhaps combined with caring responsibilities. If people are expected to work at a fixed place and time, they have to call in ‘sick’ if there is some other priority in their lives. WiseWork allows people to fit their work around other priorities and makes the idea of ‘absenteeism’ redundant. If you don’t have to be present to do your work then there is no such thing as ‘absenteeism’!
To find out more about how WiseWork can help reduce absenteeism and create a healthier workforce, get in touch now by phone or email.