Hybrid Working Action Plan

Like many managers you are probably now in uncharted territory between enforced home working and a safe return to the workplace. How do you decide on the best options for you and your team now? Do you have the right information on which to base your decisions?

Commuting to full time office working is unlikely to return for many employees who can successfully work from home. Should you now insist they return to the old ways of working?

  • Is it reasonable to insist some employees have to return, whilst others can still work from home?
  • How will you decide who needs to come in and who can continue to work remotely?
  • How do you manage a hybrid workforce with some office based and some home based?

These are just a few of the questions you need to respond to as a manager and you probably don’t have instant answers. This situation is now common to thousands of organisations and managers like you. Are you going to make decisions based simply on your own instincts and hope they work, or would you prefer some real data and expert advice on these new ways of working?

One of our experienced Wisework consultants can hold discussions with your senior managers, collect data from a cross-section of employees and write a clear concise report that will provide real information on:

  • Where you and your teams are now, over a spectrum of working factors
  • What lessons your people have learned during lockdown
  • Different possibilities you can consider for working differently
  • The likely opportunities and barriers to change you will encounter
  • Next steps in your action planning

We gather the data, analyse it and feed back to you within a week. It’s a quick way to access a professional view of your current situation and get feedback and ideas for your plans for the immediate future. There is no ‘right answer’ to the dilemmas you face, but help is available to guide your decisions.

You can benefit from our vast experience in helping organisations adopt changed ways of working and find a solution that works for you and your staff. Until the end of October for a fixed fee of £1750 we will review the situation in your organisation and provide you with recommendations for action.

Wisework will help you find your way through the current maze. You can tap into our many years of experience of the best way to introduce flexible working. We can help you avoid the pitfalls and keep people engaged in these uncertain times. Take advantage of that experience now. Email us at info@wisework.co.uk right now or pick up the phone and call us on 07880 710026.