As a result of implementing WiseWork…
- Work is done anywhere, at any time (unless proven otherwise)
Give people freedom and choice and they will act responsibly
Technology brings individual freedom if used effectively
Flexibility can be offered without compromising job security - Employees are valued for output not hours
All work has ‘outputs’ and ‘customers’
Long hours working reduces productivity
People respond positively to being thanked - Individuals and teams are trusted to choose how they work
People respond positively to being trusted
Teamwork is much more than meetings
People are more productive if they collaborate effectively - Decisions are devolved to the lowest level
People respond positively to a challenge
Make structures as flat as possible
Good managers don’t hang on to power - Bureaucracy is minimised
People have maximum control over their own lives
Stress comes from a feeling of being out of control
Technology brings freedom of choice not constraints - Work accommodates individual preferences
Employers share responsibility for the work life balance of their workers
Individuals know when they work best
Happy and healthy workers are productive - People are engaged
Freedom to choose how to work increases productivity
Autonomy leads to engagement
Encourage initiative