
Peter Thomson blogs regularly about the changing world of work and how WiseWork is helping organisations to benefit from new working practices. This site also hosts blog contributions from Wisework Partners and other guest bloggers..

Working in a Carbon Conscious World

Thie week has seen the publication of the Stern Review on Global Warming. This has pointed out that we have to act now on carbon emissions and recommended that we should be investing 1% of GDP to avoid the damaging effects of continued global warming. As well as pointing to technological solutions, the report identifies that there are currently barriers to behavioural change that are preventing the take-up of energy efficiency actions. It recommends regulation and taxation as ways to…

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Distance Working

I had an interesting discussion today with someone planning to make a TV documentary about people working from a distance. In particular they were looking at the trend towards living in France and Spain whilst still working in the UK. Because air fares are so cheap (at least if you book well in advance) it is economical to live in the south of France and work in London, or other parts of the UK. With an increasing number of jobs…

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Video Meetings

Just had a fascinating workshop at Henley entitled ‘Tools to support the virtual team’ where we looked at various ways that people are communicating in distributed teams. We covered Instant Messaging and other text-based media and then went on to video conferencing. Our discussion was around how these technologies can make teams/meetings more effective and contribute to the business bottom line. There was common agreement that a lot of wasted travel time and cost could be saved in cutting back…

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Age Discrimination

It seems that Age Discrimination has hit the headlines in the UK recently with the introduction of legislation. Suddenly people are aware that older workers may still have something to contribute to the economy and need not be put out to graze in their 50’s and 60’s. I think the emphasis is still too much on the ‘fairness’ issue, giving individual rights to be treated without discrimination. Employers shouldn’t need to be forced by legislation to consider older workers, they…

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Age Discrimination

I think the emphasis is still too much on the ‘fairness’ issue, giving individual rights to be treated without discrimination. Employers shouldn’t need to be forced by legislation to consider older workers, they should be encouraged to recognise that there is a pool of highly talented and able people who would like to work and who would be highly productive. The problem is that older workers are often seen as more expensive than their younger colleagues. This comes from the…

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Welcome to my blog where I will be giving my views on the Future of Work. This is a subject I’ve been passionate about for the last 20 years, having first seen the preview of new working practices using technology back in the 70’s and 80’s whilst working for Digital Equipment. Now we are living in the age of mobile technology we are seeing a massive change in the way information work can be achieved. But our ability to adopt…

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